#Twitter biden press conference tv#
Kayleigh McEnany was worth live TV because every day was a crisis in the Trump White House. So, they believe that when Jen Psaki gets up and tells the truth, that too should get live TV coverage. They believed this helped him and his cause. So, how does the briefing and live coverage fit into all this? Progressives were outraged that Trump’s press secretaries were given a live television platform to lie for the then-President. But most reporters I’ve known work hard, are fair and are in the business for the right reason – to hold public officials accountable. Some are more interested in click bait, front-page placement, or getting on TV to promote their careers.

Not all reporters are good at their jobs. It is painstaking and a lot like watching the sausage being made – good results but not a process you want to see all the way through very often. The process, though, generally does not make for great movies or entertainment. For those who think it’s all like Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, meeting sources in a parking garage to take down former President Richard Nixon, take a closer look at history and see how they pieced together important information from an enormous number of sources. They seek evidence when possible, and do not rely on any one person’s word. Journalists are trained to be skeptical and look for multiple sources to confirm information. Why are they like that? Because they don’t always get it straight from politicians and government officials, including progressive ones. They are also trained to not believe what they are told and to demand proof of everything – a kind of guilty until proven innocent. This would be a costly mistake for progressives Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Monday, February 1, 2021. Snow covers the ground on the East Front of the U.S. In my time as press secretary, I was repeatedly pushed on why decisions had not yet been made, particularly on matters of foreign policy and national security – our efforts behind the scenes, even when fruitful, could look ineffective during the process. The media is drawn to action and decisiveness and punishes dithering and, at times, thoughtful deliberation.
#Twitter biden press conference how to#
If there is a problem in this country, they assume the government should figure out how to fix it. The mainstream media, in my opinion, does not have a liberal or a conservative bent. Further, I’ve never worked for a politician who thought they got good press, nor have I worked with a reporter who believed they were getting enough access to the President or other politicians.

It is that misunderstanding that foments much of the hostility between the media and activists. On the flip side, I have to admit that many political activists, especially progressive activists, don’t understand how reporters work. I often complain that some reporters who cover politics really don’t understand how politics and government work. But what the media will judge him on going forward is how well does he do against the many promises he made in the campaign – not his record compared to Trump. There can be no real doubt that Biden is doing a better job as President than Trump. And, after a short period, they were not going to judge him against Trump’s performance. The media was never going to fall in love with Biden. Let me take these two related things one at a time. And for those who think the briefing should be on live every day, that would mean things were going badly at the White House, not well. If you expected the press to fall in love with President Biden because he is better than Trump – he is – you were always going to be disappointed. I have some advice for my progressive friends – get over it.